Wednesday of Week 14

Readings: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a / Ps 33 / Mt 10:1-7


The Kingdom of heaven is at hand, says Jesus to the apostles. It's a beautiful word, a wonderful message: God is near; his love is close to us. But in which meaning we can say and believe that? In the sense that we can finally stay together, as brothers. This is all the authority the disciples receive from the Master to drive unclean spirits out and to cure every disease and every illness. As the story of Joseph and his brothers reminds us, brotherhood is a difficult dream to build. It's a long path, with many stops and interruptions. But it's the dream of God, so we can work for it. Every day, with his help and grace. With his mighty hand close to us.
