Tuesday of Week 16

Readings: Ex 14:21–15:1 / Ex 15 / Mt 12:46-50


And if instead we had enough? The Scriptures today insist on this point: God is able to make us pass through the sea (1st reading), and he wants to help us live new relationships, based on the logic of the fraternity (gospel). We fear so much the enemies who always follow in pursuit of us that we are tempted to renounce to our best wishes and aspirations. In the same way, we tend to focus our attention on the little net of connections with our relatives and friends, that we forget to be a part of a huge clan: God's great big family! The word of God today raises our look toward a more interesting scenario, where we can walk looking before and not behind, and where we can face the challenge to become God's relatives. Moses' hand stretched out over the sea points out the freedom as a possible destiny for us; Jesus' hand stretched out toward the disciples indicates the listening as a responsibility for accomplishing God's will and so for becoming ourselves at last.
