Thursday of Week 16

Readings: Ex 19:1-2,9-11,16-20 / Dan 3 / Mt 13:10-17


God chooses a man - Moses - and entrusts him with the task of leading a people toward a land of freedom. Moses is an elect, a special person, and therefore God speaks to him in a unique way. In the desert, during the journey, God decides to give a law to Israel. But while all the people remain «at the food of the mountain» (Ex 19:17), Moses – and only him – is summoned «to the top» (19:20) of the mount Sinai.

Jesus choose twelve men, the disciples. And starting from them he begins to reveal «the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven» (Mt 13:11) to all the peoples. But he doesn't speak to everyone in the same way, he has just begun to tell people «many things in parables» (13:3), while to the disciples «is granted to understand» (13:11) clearly the message of the gospel.

The Lord seems to make distinctions. He appears very comfortable in this way of doing. That looks quite remarkable to us, because we usually figure that to make a distinction means to make a preference. But is that really true? Or is that a justification for the fatigue that a choice always involves? When we choose, we necessarily select. That is, we connect our life with something/someone and, in the meanwhile, we let that something/someone might be like 'dead' for us. Believe it or not, in this way life grows up: «To anyone who has (chosen!), more will be given» (13:12).
